JU building stalemate to end

JU Correspondent :
Around a three-month deadlock situation regarding building allocation of three departments namely Environmental Science, Geological Science and Computer Science and Engineering of the Jahangirnagar University (JU) is going to an end and will resume the class and exam of 1000 students of the said three departments.
The syndicate chaired by Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Farzana Islam yesterday decided a sustainable decision allocating equal space for all three departments to end the crisis.
The syndicate allocated each 35,000 square feet space for all three departments while Computer Science and Engineering Department got 28,000 sq ft in first floor and 7000 sq ft in second floor, the Environmental Science Department got both 14,000 sq ft in second floor and third floor and 7,000 sq ft in fourth floor, Geological Science Department got separate 14,000 sq ft in both first and second floor and 7000 sq ft in third floor.
The VC Prof Farzana Islam asked to respect the syndicate decision and urged teachers and students of all three departments to back in class peacefully considering the interests of the students.
Earlier, the crisis initiated when the syndicate decided to move the Environmental Sciences Department into the building as per the previous decision, which resulted in protest from the other two departments into the allocated building.
When the Environmental Science Dept tried was going to shift in syndicate allocated space, they faced obstacles as two other departments ¾ Computer Science and Engineering, and Geological Science already housed in the building.
But CSE and Geological Sciences Department claimed that those spaces of newly built 3rd floor were built as part of their plan to eradicate problems with Computer Labs and others for their departments.
After the syndicate decision, the two other departments ¾ Geological Science and CSE Department began protesting demanding the university authorities withdraw the order. However, they withdrew protest programme after JU Teachers Association assured them of reaching a solution to the crisis. The students of the CSE and ENV Department held several protest rallies on the campus including fast-unto death hunger strike, VC office besieging, human chain and silent procession pressing home their demand.
26 teachers of the two departments submitted their resignations protesting the syndicate decision.
Upon assurance from JU Teachers Association (JUTA), the two departments called off their hunger strike and decided to withdraw mass resignation paper what they had observed protesting a syndicate decision of allowing environmental sciences into the building’s 2nd floor.
Later, the teachers and students of the Department Of Environmental Science took control the 2nd floor of academic building allotted by the syndicate.
The university conducted a series of dialogue with both group of protesters to end the crisis but the protesters were rigid position. Md. Sharif Uddin, Chairman of CSE Dept. denied to make any comments in this regards as they don’t get any office order yet.
 Prof Khabir Uddin of Environmental Science Dept. also the JUTA president said, “We don’t have any problem if the authority would divide the space equally among three depts.”
While contacted, JU Register Abu Bakkar Siddaque said, “The space will allocate equally today (Sunday) among the three depts.”