JU admission test from Oct 25


BSS, Savar :
The admission test of Jahangirnagar University (JU) for the first-year honors courses under the academic session 2015-2016 will begin from October 25 and it will continue till November 02.
The admission test will be held with six shifts in a day and all kind of information related to admission test including seat plane and results would be available both in SMS system and at JU website- www.juniv.edu.
The admission test for A unit will be held on October 25, D unit on October 26, and tests for H and B units will be held on October 28.
On the other hand, admission test for E, F and G units will be held on October 29 while admission test for C unit will be held from October 31 to November 2.
It is mentioned that all kinds of electronic device including mobile phone, calculator and clock are prohibited to use into the exam hall to prevent fraud in admission test.
A total of 2, 26, 572 admission seekers have applied against 2, 000 seats under 6 units and two institutes at the admission tests this year while approximately 113 admission seekers will vie for each seat, JU deputy register (academic) told BSS.
