Hamid-Thein Sein meet in Beijing: Jt efforts vital for solving Rohingya issue

UNB, Beijing :
President Abdul Hamid on Sunday said Bangladesh and Myanmar should work together to find out effective mechanisms for a permanent solution to the long-pending Rohingya issue.
“The continued influx of Mynamar refugees to Bangladesh has created enormous socio-economic problems in Bangladesh’s bordering districts of Cox’s Bazar and Bandarban. Both countries should work together to find out fruitful mechanisms for resolving the problem,” he said.
President Hamid said this at a bilateral meeting with Myanmar President Thein Sein held at Diaoyutai State Guest House.
The Myanmar President was apprised of the serious problem being faced by Bangladesh in frontier areas due to huge influx of Myanmar citizens since 1991-92. At the meeting, the Myanmar government was requested for early repatriation of their citizens inside Bangladesh by expediting the process of verification. President’s press secretary Ihsanul Karim told UNB after the meeting.
The Press Secretary said the Myanmar side took note of it for further necessary action in this regard.
About bilateral trade,
Hamid said Myanmar can import jute and jute goods and pharmaceuticals products from Bangladesh with a view to reducing the trade gap between the two countries.
The Bangladesh President underscored the need for enhanced cooperation between the two countries in preventing production of narcotics and illicit trafficking.
Hamid also underscored the need for establishing direct road and rail link between the two countries which would provide physical infrastructure for easy movement of goods and services between Bangladesh and Myanmar at a reasonable cost The President also said Bangladesh is interested to import gas from Myanmar.
Abdul Hamid said, Bangladesh attaches special importance to Myanmar and would like to further deepen the existing relations based on trust and economic cooperation, and invited his Myanmar counterpart to visit Bangladesh.
During the meet, Thein Sein said the problems between the two countries could be resolved in a peaceful manner.
The Myanmar President said he is looking forward to pay a visit to Bangladesh. Thein Sein also invited Abdul Hamid to visit Myanmar.
Referring to the recent visit of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to Myanmar, Thein Seina described Sheikh Hasina as a close friend of him.
The Myanmar President said the two countries should work together to stop trafficking and illegal trade.
Senior secretary to Bangladesh President Shaikh Altaf Ali and secretary (bilateral) of foreign ministry Mustafa Kamal were, among others, present from Bangladesh side.