JSM produces 3,000 tonnes sugar in a month

BSS, Joypurhat :
Joypurhat Sugar Mill (JSM), one of the largest state owned enterprises, has produced 3,000 tonnes of sugar by crushing 45,000 tonnes of sugarcane in 32 days ignoring blockade.
The mill has set a target to produce 7,975 tonnes of sugar by crushing 110, 000 tonnes of sugarcane at the recovery rate of 7.25 percent sugar during the current season, official sources said.
Government has distributed Taka 4 crore loans among the 5,500 sugarcane cultivators to encourage them boosting production. Besides, high yielding varieties of seeds, potash and urea fertilizers and pesticides have also been distributed among the growers at mill zone area free of cost.
Abdus Salam, managing director of JSM, told BSS that the government has increased sugarcane prices during the current season to motivate cane growers for increasing production.
He added that the price of per quintile (100 kgs) sugarcane has been fixed at Taka 250 at mill gate and Taka 240 out of mill gate this year for increasing supply of sugarcane.
The mill authority has stepped up different efforts, including distribution of leaflets, to encourage sugarcane growers for supplying sugarcanes abundantly.
The current sugarcane crushing season started on December 12 in the mill.