Selim, Hanif say: JSD, NAP, left parties also behind the killing of Bangabandhu


MM Jasim :
Awami League Joint-General Secretary Mahabubul Alam Hanif has accused Jatiya Somajtantrik Dal (JSD), NAP and other left leaning political parties of creating ground for assassination Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his family members in 1975.
He made this remark at a discussion marking the 40th death anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Home Economics College in the city on Tuesday, organized by Bangladesh Chhatra League, Home Economics College unit.
“JSD, NAP and other left leaning political parties did not help Bangabandhu and his Cabinet during his regime between 1972 and 1975. The JSD leaders orchestrated the evil design to destabilise the country at that time,”
He also said that the leaders of JSD and other left political parties were behind the assassination of Bangabandhu by way of looting the markets, committing robbery, killing the people and AL leaders, even MP. Some of the leaders many days later admitted the matter and regretted for their jobs.
“It is high time to discover the mystery behind the killing of Bangabandhu. It is also important to find out who were behind the heinous incident.”
Hanif also rejected the accusation of underhand deal with BNP. “We have no headache what BNP says. “But we have to bring out authentic history,” he said.
He said that the conspiracy against the incumbent government was going on. Now BNP-Jamaat are doing that. They want to establish their supremacy in the country using militancy power, he said.
Earlier on Sunday, AL Presidium Member Sheikh Fazlul Karim Selim said that the then JSD leaders had paved the path for the assassination of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and most of his family members in 1975.
“Anti-liberation forces would not have dared to attack Bangabandhu and his family, had the then Ganobahini remained beside Bangabandhu,” he said.
He also dubbed Maj. Gen. (retd) KM Shafiullah, former chief of army staff, as “insolent and liar” in the context of the assassination of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. “Shafiullah was a very insolent man. He asked Bangabandhu to leave his home when the Father of the Nation had actually made a phone call to him to seek help during the attack,” the AL leader said.
“Ziaur Rahman, then the Deputy Chief of Army, was involved in Bangabandhu’s murder. However, I am not going to elaborate the issue today,” he added.
Selim also called for formation of an inquiry commission in connection with the murder. The AL leader also underscored the need to find out the real culprits behind the killing of Bangabandhu.
Interestingly, chorusing with the AL, the BNP leaders also held responsible JSD for the killing of Bangabandhu, saying that Inu should quit from the Ministry if he “fails to clarify” before the nation about his role in the 1975 massacre.
But the JSD high-ups including its President and Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu and General Secretary Sharif Nurul Ambia denied the allegation against them terming it ‘a conspiracy against unity of 14-party alliance.’
“The JSD works to eliminate militancy in the country. But a quarter of people do not support it. JSD also does not tolerate it, he said.
Echoing the same voice, General Secretary of JSD Sharif Nurul Ambia also said that the involvement of the party was never mentioned in the long trial of the ‘Bangabandhu murder case.’
“Sheikh Selim’s remark was not only devoid of facts, but also motivated,” Ambia added.
On Monday, chorusing with the AL leaders, BNP called upon Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu to quit if he “fails to clarify” before the nation his role in the killing of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Referring to AL leader Sheikh Fazlul Karim Selim’s recent remarks, BNP said Inu and his JSD had created the ground for Bangabandhu’s assassination.
“We want to tell Mr Inu that we alone don’t talk about your misdeeds. The top leaders of the ruling party are also discussing daily the wrongdoings you committed during 1972-75. You should make it clear-what is the role you and the Gono Bahini had in the murder,” said BNP spokesman Asaduzzaman Ripon.
