JSC, JDC, PEC, Ebtedayee exams results today


Staff Reporter :
The results of Junior School Certificate (JSC), Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC), Primary Education Completion (PEC) and its equivalent Ebtedayee examinations will be published today.
The copies of the results will be handed to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at her official residence of Ganobhaban at 10:30am.
The Education Ministry and the Primary and Mass Education Ministry will announce the result at a press conference in the Secretariat in the afternoon. The examinations were held in the month of November. This year 2,412,775 students sat for the JSC and JDC examinations held in 2,734 centres all over the country.
About 681 overseas students also appeared in the examinations. The PEC results will also be available on www.dpe.gov.bd and http:/dpe.teletalk.com.bd.
The results will be also available on the ministry website www.mopme.gob.bd and Directorate of Primary Education website www.dpe.gob.bd after the press conference.
The PEC and its madrasha equivalent Ebtedayee examinations began on November 20 and ended on November 27 across the country.
A total of 29,30,573 students participated in the Primary examinations and the rest of 2 ,99,715 students in the Ebtedayee exams.
The examinations took place at 7,194 centres in the country and in 11 centres abroad.
At primary level, some 13,46,032 male students and 15,84,541 female students attended the examinations.
Besides, 1,57,319 males and 1,42,396 female students took part in the Ebtedayee Madrasha examinations.
