JSC, JDC exams begin today


Staff Reporter :The Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) examinations will begin today (Friday).Bengali 1st paper and Quran Majid and Tazbid examination are scheduled to begin at 9:00am.A notice of the education ministry confirmed the decision on Thursday.The examinations of JSC and JDC were scheduled to commence across the country on November 2 but were postponed due to the general strike enforced by Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami.Earlier, examinations rescheduled for November 5 and 6 were also shifted to November 19 and 20 respectively due to the continuous strike.The JSC and JDC examinations of November 2 was rescheduled for November 7 and the examinations of November 3 was rescheduled for November 14 for the same reason.Almost 21 lakh students will sit for the examinations across the country.The Primary School Certificate (PSC) and Ebtedai examinations are scheduled to begin on November 23. More than 30 lakh students will sit for the examinations. 
