JSC exam under Barisal Board Over 3000 absent on first day

Barisal Correspondent :
One examinee injured, two expelled and more than three thousand students have been remain absent on first day of Junior School Certificate ( JSC) examination started from Tuesday under Barisal Board.
Usha Aktar, 14, an examinee from Daliluddin secondary school, became injured after a ceiling fan fell down at the examination hall in Jagadish Saraswat Girls’ High School center of the city on Tuesday noon.
She admitted at female surgery ward of Barisal Sher E Bangla Medical College Hospital and now out of danger, hospital sources said.
Nurunnahar Begum, mother of Usha, told after hearing about the incident she rushed to the school and with help of the teachers brought her daughter to SBMCH.
Bijoy Krishna Ghosh, invigilator of the examination hall, said it was an accident and informing board and school authourities they arranged sending the victim to the hospital immediately.
Nurul Islam, headmaster of Daliluddin school and Prof Ziaul Huq, chairman Barisal Education Board, visiting the victim at the hospital, said necessary all treatments would be given to Usha.
On other hand Shah Md. Alamgir, controller of examination of BEB, said on first day of the JSC examination total 3,288 examinees were absent and one examinee from Muladi of Barisal and another one from Charfession of Bhola, were expelled for adopting unfair means in the JSC examination under BEB on Tuesday.