JS polls tarnished history, says LDA

Staff Reporter :
Left Democratic Alliance leaders are of the opinion that the December 30 polls was tarnished one in the history of Bangladesh. Such kind of election never happened in the past. With the help of civil and police administration, vote dacoity was committed on the previous night of the Election Day.  
Left Democratic Alliance organised a mass hearing, titled ‘vote dacoit, force occupation, and scenario of irregularities’ on Friday at Jatiya Press Club auditorium.
At the outset, Bangladesh Communist Party General Secretary Md Shah Alam said, there were lots of allegations about December 30, 2018 election. It was unprecedented fake vote election.
Left Democratic Alliance’s 147 candidates contested in 131 constituencies of the polls. In the mass hearing programme 130, contesters were present and shared their experienced about the 11th Parliamentary election.
Zonayed Saki, the Chief Coordinator of Ganosanghoti Andolon (Peoples’ Solidarity Movement), was the candidate for Dhaka-12 constituency. In the mass hearing programme, he said,
in different centres AL men cast about 30 to 50 per cent votes in the previous night. We saw no voter in a number of polling centres.
He said, it was tarnished election in history of Bangladesh. We should admit it. All political parties participated in the polls, but the people were not given right to franchise. The civil and police administration were mere passengers.
Shampa Basu, a contester with ‘Ladder’ symbol from Dhaka- 8 constituency also spoke at mass hearing and said, when I visited Segun Bagicha High School Centre, there was no voter. But the ballot boxes were full.
BSD candidate Affaz Hossain contesting from Rajshahi-1 said, we did not get any remedy even though the attentions of the Returning Officers and administration were drawn to the stream of irregularities.
From different parts of Bangladesh, the candidates spoke in the mass hearing and pointed to the irregularities that took place in the December 30, 2018 election.