JS Committee on housing forms two subcommittees


Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Housing and Public Works on Sunday formed two sub committees to review the Plot and Flat Allotment Policy as well as investigate the irregularities and corruption in different organizations under the ministry.
Abu Saleh Mohammad Saeed (Dulal) will lead the subcommittee of Plot and Flat Allotment Policy with Sadhan Chandra Majumdar, A K M Fazlul Huq and Nurjahan Begum as members. Besides, Kamal Ahmed Majumdar has been made the convener of the subcommittee for the investigation of irregularities and corruption. Other members of the committee are M Zahid Ahsan Russel, M Abu Zahir and Nur-e-Hasna Lily Chowdhury. The decision was taken from the meeting of the parliamentary standing committee held at the Jatiyo Sangsad Bhaban today. Committee Chairman Alhaj M Dabirul Islam chaired the meeting.
Committee members Hosing and Public Works Minister Eng. Mosharraf Hossain, Kamal Ahmed Majumdar, Sadhan Chandra Majumdar, A K M Fazlul Huq, Abu Saleh Mohammad Saeed (Dulal) and Nurjahan Begum attended the meeting.
The committee discussed about the construction of a market by Agargaon Banik Samity on the acquired government land in Agargaon and Swadhin Bangla Super Market on the land of National Housing Authority in front of the Sony Cinema Hall in Mirpur-1.
