JS body stresses on basic literacy, quality education


Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education laid emphasis on ensuring basic literacy for the 21 lakh citizens across the country through standard education.
Committee Chairperson Mostafizur Rahman presided over the meeting, said a press release here.
The committee at its fifth meeting held at Jatiya Sangsad (JS) Bhaban here on Wednesday had an elaborate discussion regarding the ongoing basic literacy project activities in the 64 districts.
The committee recommended joining the public representatives in the project supervision to ensure standard quality education under the project, added the release.
Referring the primary education level as the foundation of learning for the students, the committee laid stress on standard and ethical education from the primary level.
It was informed at the meeting that recruitment of 18, 000 teachers are underway.
Additionally, it was stated that a policy decision to promote the teachers to the newly nationalized schools along with action plans to make them efficient through training have been made, added the release.
It was mentioned at the meeting that road map of e-Primary School System and e-Monitoring Programme has been created to ensure quality education in building Digital Bangladesh.
