JP MP sued for embezzling Basic Bank money

UNB, Dhaka :
Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) on Tuesday filed cases against parliament member from Jatiya Party Mahjabeen Morshed, her husband and five others in connection with the embezzlement of around Tk. 275 crore of Basic Bank.
ACC Assistant Director (Public Relations) Pranab Kumar told UNB that ACC filed two cases against seven persons in connection with allegation of embezzling money from the state owned Basic Bank.
Assistant director of the ACC Mohammad Sirajul Huq filed two cases with
Double Mooring Police Station in Chittagong city in this connection on January 9 and January10 respectively. The anti-corruption authority filed the first case against the JP MP and Managing Director of IG Navigation Limited, Director of the Company Syed Mozaffor Hossain and Kazi Fakhrul Islam for misappropriating over Tk. 141 crore.