JP founded to restore democracy: Ershad

Staff Reporter :
Jatiya Party Chairman HM Ershad on Saturday claimed that his party was founded to restore democracy in Bangladesh.
Speaking at the 8th National Council of Jatiya Party in the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, he also called upon the leaders, who left his party at different times to return.
“You all know the reason behind Jatiya Party’s formation. It was founded to restore democracy in the country. Had the democratic have been smooth and not stigmatized at that time (1982), the necessity of launching Jatiya Party wouldn’t have been required,” the JP Chief said.
He continued, “The power was bestowed upon me in 1982 as the Army Chief. The then President handed over power to me expressing his reluctance to run the country. Had there been any other person in the post of Army chief in place of me, he would have taken the same responsibility.”
Ershad said, his party which was established on January 1, 1986 is still in politics and in a good shape overcoming so many obstacles and adversities.
“Jatiya Party was in power and is now the main opposition party. We’ll return to power in the days to come. We all take a vow from here to work hard and strengthen the party to this end.” At the council, Ershad dissolved the existing central committee of the party.
Latter in the council programme, HM Ershad and Ruhul Amin Hawlader have been reelected Chairman and Secretary General respectively by the councilors of Jatiya Party.
Chief of the Opposition Begum Raushan Ershad and GM Quader were also elected Senior Co-Chairman and Co-Chairman of the party respectively. Party’s Presidium Member Advocate Sheikh Sirajul Islam proposed their names which other councillors supported it.
Mentioning that he had announced to hold a national election in 1984, Ershad claimed, “My plan was to return to barrack after handing over power to elected representatives through the polls. Major political parties boycotted the election. Had the political parties joined that polls, Jatiya Party wouldn’t have been founded.”
He demanded a reform in Jatiya Sangsad election system introducing an option to elect parties instead of candidates. “The voters will directly cast their votes in favour of parties, not candidates, and the parties will nominate their candidates as per the percentage of votes they get. Every party will get three MPs for one percent of votes.” The Jatiya Party chairman claimed election violence will be reduced significantly if the election system is introduced.
Addressing the council, party Senior Co-Chairman and leader of the opposition in Parliament Raushon Ershad also called upon leaders, who joined other parties, to return to it. “If you return, we’ll gladly accept you.” She said, they will strengthen the party and restore discipline in it after identifying the problems the party is now facing.
Party Co-Chairman GM Quader urged the party leaders to get united putting aside misunderstandings and conflicts among them to make Jatiya Party a stronger and vibrant party.
Earlier, H.M Ershad inaugurated the council in the morning. Awami League and all component parties of the ruling grand alliance were invited in the council. Besides, heads of diplomatic missions in Dhaka were invited.
The Jatiya Party will take part in all future polls, including the parliamentary elections, under the leadership of the committee to be formed through this council.