Journo Swapan Kumar Mohajon dies

A Correspondent :
Former General Secr-etary (GS) of Chattogram Union of Journalists (CUJ) Swapan Kumar Mohajon died of brain hemorrhage on Wednesday afternoon at the age of 67. He left behind his wife, a son and a daughter, a host of relatives and well-wishers to mourn his death, said family sources.
Swapan was admitted to a private clinic after he fell sick at his residence on February 28. Later, he was shifted to Chattogram Medical College Hospital (CMCH) on March 10 as his condition deteriorated. His body was taken to Chattogram Press Club premises around 4 pm where his fellow journalists paid homage by placing wreaths at his coffin.
He will be cremated at Bhalurdigi crematory under Kotwali thana in the city tonight.
Swapan Kumar Mohajon worked different dailies, including the Daily Azadi, daily Noya Bangla and daily Michil. Meanwhile, president of Chattogram Union of Journalists (CUJ) Nazim Uddin Shyamol and General Secretary (GS) Hasan Ferdouse, Chattogram Press Club President Ali Abbas and GS Chowdhury Farid, Vice President of Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists (BFUJ) Reaz Haider Chowdhury, joint secretary general Kazi Mohsin, President of Chittagong Journalists Cooperatives Housing Society Swapan Kumar Mollic and leaders of Chattogram Photo Journalists Association, Chattogram TV Journalist Association, Sports Journalist Association in separate messages expressed deep condolence at the death of Mohajon. They conveyed sympathy to the members of the bereaved family and prayed for eternal peace of the departed soul.