Journalists assaulted by Ansars in Dhaka hospital

Photo shows a glimpse of clash between suspected Covid-19 patients and the Ansar members at Mugda General Hospital in Dhaka on Friday.
Photo shows a glimpse of clash between suspected Covid-19 patients and the Ansar members at Mugda General Hospital in Dhaka on Friday.
Staff Reporter :
A clash between suspected coronavirus patients and the Ansar members broke out at Mugda General Hospital on Friday morning over the serial sequence of sample collection.
At one stage, Ansar members attacked Rubel Rashid, a photojournalist, and broke his camera as he was trying to take pictures of the incident.
The incident took place at around 11:30am on Friday. Later police brought the situation under control.
Rubel said: “Around 40 people were given tickets for the Covid-19 test at the hospital on Friday. But after testing 34 people, the on-duty Ansar said
testing was over for the day. “Later, Ansar members had an argument with a young man named Shaon who was 36th in the line for sample submission. At one point, the Ansar personnel started beating him.”
Another photojournalist from Bangladesh Protidin, Jayita Roy, also went to take pictures of the incident but she had to run away from the place when Ansar members tried to assult her, Rubel added.
“I also proceeded to take pictures of the incident, and the Ansar members slapped me, breaking my camera lens filter,” he said. The Ansar personnel were abusing journalists and threatened to tie them up at the time. At one stage they said- “Journalists will not be allowed to stay here.”
It was not immediately possible to get comments on the matter from Mugda Hospital authorities or the Ansar commander in-charge at the place.
Mugda Police Station Sub-Inspector (SI) Akramul Islam said: “Police rushed to the scene immediately after the incident took place and brought the situation under control. They spoke to both sides and settled the matter.”
“No complaint was lodged with the police station by the boy (Shaon) or the journalists. If a complaint is filed, action will be taken according to the law,” he added.