Jonaki gets back her one eye sight in Gazipur


Gazipur (Sadar) Correspondent :
Jonaki, 10, is the daughter of visually impaired Zakir Hossain of Haladirchala area of Ujilab village in Gazipur Sreepur municipality. Jonaki’s eyesight has gone since birth. The indomitable genius girl is learning to read the Qur’an by listening to the Imam of the local maktab and also taking the knowledge of primary education by listening to the mouths of her classmates.
Not only Jonaki but his father also rarely can see. Besides, Zakir’s elder brother Amir Hossain (40), sister Hasina (30) and Nasrin (25) also has no eye sight. Amir’s wife Shiuli Akhter also can’t see with one eye at all, but sees a little with the other eye. Hasina’s one and a half year old son Maruf and daughter Rupao (13) were born blind.
 Saddam Hussein Ananta, a businessman, took the initiative to bring back the light in the eyes of the little girl when he heard about the helplessness of the family. On his own initiative, Jonaki underwent surgery on his right eye on Monday.
When the eye bandage was opened on Tuesday morning, Jonaki reported seeing with his right eye.
Zakir’s mother Rashida said that her husband Hossain Ali also got a fever in middle age and one of his eyes became blind. Rashida, with her blind children are passing hard days. Zakir Hossain said, in such a situation, local businessman Md. Saddam Hossain Ananta has extended a helping hand to us. He has been collaborating for some time in Corona. He also promised to help my daughter Jonaki with her eye treatment and education. Meanwhile, Jonaki is being treated at ABC Eye Hospital in Gazipur and later at Dhaka Islamia Eye Hospital.
 Businessman Md. Saddam Hussein Ananta said, after receiving the news of the helpless family, I went to their house. I am very sad to see. Later, during the Corona epidemic, we help them with their daily necessities including rice and pulses. There is no ABC Eye Hospital in Salna, Gazipur at first for giving eye treatment to Jonaki. But the doctors there advised him to take her to Dhaka for better treatment. On January 7, I took him to Islamia Eye Hospital in Dhaka. On January 6, he underwent various tests on his two eyes. Jonaki underwent surgery last Monday (January 18). After the operation, he put the lens in Jonaki’s right eye and now he can see with his own eyes. He said that after the observation of the right eye, the operation of the left eye will also be done.
Sreepur UNO in this regard Tariqul Islam said arrangements would be made to repair their broken houses and get 10 kg of rice. So that at least some of their problems are alleviated. And if necessary, efforts will be made to build their houses.
