Joint task force must be in full charge for the war against pandemic


We know how indifferent and unprepared the government machinery was for facing any crisis like the present coronavirus pandemic that has been causing havoc worldwide.
Our people can see on television screens how seriously the world leaders are preparing themselves on war footing to save their people’s lives. They find no time to rest. They hold press briefings along with the specialists to make the information they give believable.
Nobody can deny that we’ve a big problem of distrust between the government and the people. At this time of grave crisis when some 20 lakhs lives of our people are under threat by the coronavirus disease, which is quick to spread and the health care facilities are the only protection against this deadly virus, we’re totally unaware of the preparedness of our national health sector.
In this situation armed forces have been deployed to organise the preparedness for facing the unprecedented war against virus. We must have joint task force outside the failed politics. The people want to see activities and transparency. It is no time for our usual politics of lies and misinformation.
We want such joint task force to brief the nation on a regular basis whether we are going wrong and what more needs to done. This is time for trust and unity and not for politics of any kind.
The government appears too complacent that it has declared shutdown. The people are kept confined to their houses whereas they’re not able to take enough care against the deadly virus. According to the information supplied by the government sources nobody has died yesterday from coronavirus. Those few died were suffering from other complications.
It is not unknown to anybody that the information supplied by the government sources is not believable to the people. This situation of distrust is the creation of the government itself. They’ve won the elections without the people’s vote.
So it cannot be said we have a government that enjoys the people’s trust. That is why we want medical experts to establish dialogue with the nation and earn the people’s trust. The country is politically divided.
In our belief only a joint medical force can forge national unity at this time of grave national crisis.
