Joint confce on internationalization of higher education

Participants of a joint conference on internationalization of higher education held recently.
Participants of a joint conference on internationalization of higher education held recently.
Campus Report :
The American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) and the Daffodil International University (DIU), two leading private universities in Bangladesh have been selected by the International Association of Universities (IAU), UNESCO, Paris in view of its ardent commitment to internationalization.
The present initiatives of these universities are enhanced with the launching of IAU’s Internationalization Strategies Advisory Service (ISAS). The advisory service which focused on the outcome of the self-assessment conducted by each university on internationalization based on the framework provided and the valuable information generated from the various sectors of each of these universities. The joint conference held on 28 January 2016 in Westin Hotel becomes a platform bringing together institutional leaders and key officials to further expound and convey their perspectives and experiences on the internationalization issues and concerns.
The observations and global knowledge of the IAU’s experts composed of Eva Egron-Polak, Secretary General of IAU, spoke on global internationalization; Dr Anna Ciccarelli, IAU Board Member discussed on how internationalization strategies can be adapted in different contexts and Prof Dr SM Kabir shared his views on the impact of the regional perspective of internationalization to Bangladesh.
Giorgio Marinoni, the Manager of HE and Internationalization policy and projects, IAU have put the conference in the right perspective. Prof Dr Mohammad Yousuf Ali Mollah, Member, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh and Prof Dr Mesbahuddin Ahmed, Head, QAU, UGC shared their insights on the government’s perspective on internationalization, and quality assurance, respectively. The two Vice Chancellors of AIUB and DIU, Dr Carmen Z Lamagna and Prof Dr Yousuf Mahbubul Islam, respectively warmly welcomed the participants especially the honorable Chief and Special guests, IAU experts. The open discussions and contributions in terms of university’s practices and experiences by the participants were indeed valuable and challenging to serve as basis for a comprehensive framework of internationalization for the two sponsoring universities but generally, to the universities in Bangladesh. The Conference was closed by Prof Dr M Lutfar Rahman, Professor Emeritus of DIU and the vote of thanks was expressed by the Prof Dr Charles C Villanueva, Pro Vice Chancellor of AIUB.
The Vice Chancellors of the other Universities, Deans, Program Directors, Directors of the IQAC and others high officials of the AIUB were present in the occasion.