PM to BNP: Join next polls, don`t repeat mistake

UNB, Stockholm :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said BNP should join the next polls and should not repeat the mistake as it did by boycotting the 2014 election.
“I want to ask her (Khaleda) and her party to come to the right path of healthy politics. They (BNP) shouldn’t repeat their mistake as they did in the 2014 general election. People will cast their votes for those whoever they like,” Hasina said.
The Prime Minister was addressing a community reception accorded to her at the City Conference Center on Thursday evening.
Sheikh Hasina said, Awami League wants the democratic trend continues in the country. “They (BNP) should stay away from the path of killings. We’re moving ahead as Bangladesh now reached a respected position in global arena.”
She also came down heavily on Nobel Laureate Dr Muhammad Yunus for his ‘role’ in stopping the World Bank fund for Padma Bridge project, bringing allegations of corruption against her, instigating Hillary Clinton to phone her after losing his MD post of Grameen Bank and giving threat to her son Sajeeb Wazed Joy
thrice by the State Department.
Continuing her scathing attack on Ziaur Rahman and Khaleda Zia, the Prime Minister said Khaleda failed to pass matriculation exams while Ziaur somehow managed to pass that. “I don’t want to say further up to which classes their son studied as you know very well and this is their standard.”
Hasina went on saying, “One thing they (BNP) have understood very well how to make money, take commission and amass wealth through ‘Hawa Bhaban’. So, Khaleda doesn’t feel well when people are in good state. Khaleda will feel better if she can again resort to looting, killing and destroying public property.”
“She (Khaleda) delivered a speech on Thursday that Bangladesh is now in very bad shape. She (Khaleda) had embezzled the fund of orphanage, but now she fears to face the trial as she lost after filing writ petitions for 150 times in higher court after taking times for 140 occasions. Now the bad time is for them and not for Bangladesh,” Hasina said.
The Prime Minister also mentioned that she had fruitful discussions with the King and the Prime Minister of Sweden.
Noting that there has been marked development in Bangladesh, Hasina said that mobile phones and laptops are now in the hands of common people while they are also getting services from community clinics across the country. “But, during BNP-Jamaat’s misrule, the power generation had sharply come down as they only given electric poles to people.”
But, she said, the policy of Awami League is to make the nation stand on its own feet, not to beg. “We’ll live with dignity as a nation.”
“Zia was involved in the August 15 killings while his party in the August 21 grenade attack and 10-truck arms haul case,” Hasina said adding, “Repeated attempts (to kill her) were made but I tried to forget those for the sake of politics, people’s interest, and democracy.”
Reiterating her firm stance that there would be no place for any sort of terrorism and militancy on Bangladesh soil, the Prime Minister said Islam is a religion of peace and it never supports killing innocent people. “We’ve taken massive steps to combat terrorism and militancy by any means.”
She urged the expatriate Bangladeshis to project the ongoing development activities in Bangladesh alongside telling that BNP is a ‘terrorist and militant outfit’.
Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali also spoke at the reception chaired by president of Swedish unit of Awami League.