Khaleda urges youths: Join anti-govt movement to restore democracy

UNB, Dhaka :
Calling upon youths to join the ongoing anti-government-movement to restore democracy in the country, BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia on Sunday night reaffirmed that she will be there on the streets this time to make it a success.
“Many youths were first time voters during the January-5 election, but Awami League snatched their voting rights. So, you must take to the streets to restore democracy and voting rights,” she said.
The BNP chief further said, “I’ll be there on the streets along with you and I’m confident that I’ll be able to do so. I don’t think I’m too weak to be there in the field.”
Khaleda made the remarks while exchanging views with the members of Blue Band Call, an organisation of online activists, at her Gulshan office.
Criticising the government for what she said resorting to enforced disappearances, the former Prime Minister said people are no longer safe at their homes or outside. “The country’s youths are being killed and made disappeared with a plan.”
The country is now passing through a critical juncture, she said, adding that the
young generation has the responsibility for the country. “You’ll have to lead from the frontline…we’ll encourage you from behind.”
The BNP chief said the government will have to hold a fresh election under a non-party administration for creating a level-playing field so that people can elect their representatives.
Mentioning that democracy is now deported, Khaleda said the country’s development is not possible without restoration of it.
She alleged that the government is making all arrangements to hang onto power by dividing the nation. “Now the whole nation will have to get united to save the country from the hands of this repressive regime.”
Khaleda claimed that Bangladesh is getting isolated from the world losing foreign friends due to the wrong policy of the Awami League government.
“The Middle East countries have stopped hiring our manpower due to the wrong policies of the government. Many workers are returning home losing their jobs,” the BNP chief observed.
She lamented that the country’s brilliant and competent youths are not getting jobs due to politicisation by the government.
Khaleda also alleged that government is not giving competent officials postings as it has made 480 administrative officials OSDs. “Their only offence is they got promotion during BNP’s rule.”
Now there is no value of Dhaka University’s first class, but the ruling party men have no problem to get job even with ‘third class’, she claimed.
Khaleda deplored that educational institutions have become armouries while the Chhatra League men are roaming with modern arms.
Accusing the government of having failed to ensure a business-friendly atmosphere in the country, she said mills and industries are being shut down due to the corruption and wrong policies of the regime.
The BNP chief termed the current regime worse than that of 1/11 one and alleged that the country is now under the rule of one person. “What she (Hasina) says is law.”
The country’s interest carries no value to Awami League, she said adding that the government has destroyed all the institutions by indulging in corruption, plundering and politicisation.