Johnson back to Downing Street to lead response


Boris Johnson has returned to Downing Street to take charge of the UK’s response to the coronavirus outbreak.
The prime minister will chair the regular morning
cabinet meeting on Covid-19 before holding talks with senior ministers and officials. He arrived back at No 10 on Sunday evening amid mounting pressure from Tory MPs to begin lifting the lockdown.
But Health Minister Edward Argar said “now is not the time to ease up” even if people were feeling frustrated.
The latest official figures bring the total number of deaths in UK hospitals to 20,732, after a further 413 were announced on Sunday.
It is a month since Mr Johnson was diagnosed with the virus. He spent a week in St Thomas’ Hospital in central London, including three nights in intensive care, after being admitted on 5 April.
Mr Johnson has not been doing any official government work during his convalescence at his country residence, Chequers, although last week he did speak to the Queen and US President Donald Trump, as well as meeting senior ministers.
