Job seekers block Shahbagh intersection demanding age limit extension


Staff Reporter :
Police charged batons to disperse job seekers in Shahbag area where they were demanding to extend the maximum age limit for government job applications to 35 years.
At the time eight protesters were injured and police arrested two persons from the protest, claimed organizers. However, police allegedly harassed journalists who were there to cover the news.
On Friday (September 9) around 4 pm, a group of job seekers started protesting by blocking the road at Shahbagh intersection under the banner of ‘Job-seeking youth generation, Bangladesh’. Earlier, they protested in front of Shahbagh National Museum with the same demand.
Sajid Setu, coordinators of the protest, told the media saying that their age limit to apply for a government job expired as the Covid-19 pandemic caused session jam and many organizations deferred or postpone their recruitment processes due to the epidemic.
“Police charged batons on our peaceful movement and injured many of us,” he added.
Md Shahidullah, Deputy Commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Ramna Division, told media that police dispersed the protesters as they wanted to block the Shahbagh intersection.
