Job opportunities for disabled stressed


Proper coordination among government, nongovernment and private organisations concerned can create job opportunities for disabled people to accelerate the process of mainstreaming them in the society.
The observations came yesterday at a meeting of the District Employment Implementation Committee for Physically Challenged People held at the”Adhikar Chamber” at Katchari Bazaar in Rajshahi with its President Advocate MA Basher Tipu in the chair.
Rangdhanu District Protibondhi Adhikar Sangstha (RZPAS) and Prottyasha Protibondhi Nari O Shishu Unnayan Sangstha (PPNOSUS) organised the meeting with assistance of ADD International under financial cooperation of Manusher Janno Foundation.
Member of the committee Advocate AKM Harunur Rashid, President of RZPAS Nur Alam, President of PPNOSUS Ummey Kulsum and Programme Support Officer of ADD International Tamzida Zannati addressed, among others.
Members of the committee, civil society members, journalists, human rights activists and leaders of different organisations working for welfare of the disabled people attended the meeting.
The meeting discussed various organisational issues for further strengthening activities of the organisation, raising funds and availing bank loans to set up handloom and cottage industries for
physically challenged people to create job opportunities for them.
The speakers put emphasis on creating awareness on legal and constitutional rights of the physically challenged population, good governance and coordination in and among the different organisations
of the disabled people to enhance job opportunities.
They strongly criticised violation in implementation of the fixed government quota for jobs of the physically challenged people by some government departments in recent times in Rangpur while employing the
citizens against various posts.
Advocate Tipu underscored the need for engaging coordinated efforts in exploring employment opportunities of the disabled people in the government, non-government, private sectors and business
organisations, other departments and institutions.
He called upon all concerned for ensuring implementation of the fixed government job quota for physically challenged people by all government, non-government and private organisations and bodies
through appointing disabled people.
