Job fair in Jessore on Oct 5

BSS, Dhaka :
A day-long job fair would be organised at amphitheatre building at Sheikh Hasina Software Technology Park in Jessore on October 5 to hire workforce for 30 different institutions.
Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority will organise the fair and hold a number of seminars on creating curriculum vitae, how to face an interview, present and future condition of information technology based job market, said a press release.
State Minister for Information Communication Technology (ICT) Division Zunaid Ahmed Palak will inaugurate the fair.
Sheikh Hasina Software Technology Park Project Director M Jahangir Alam said, “The 15-storey building park would play an important role in creating tech-related jobs in the southwest part of the country.”
“Space has already been allocated to 35 companies,” he added.
The hi-tech park authority has a target to create 12,000 jobs at Sheikh Hasina Software Technology Park in the next five years.