JnU unit BCL council tomorrow


Hasan Mahmud :

The Jagannath University (JnU) unit of Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) will hold its council tomorrow to choose its new leadership with an aim to restore its glorious image that has been tainted for controversial activities by some leaders and activists of the party.
The Minister for Road, Transport and Bridge and Awami League General Secretary Obidul Quader will remain present as the Chief Guest in the programme at the university science faculty play ground.
 It has been learnt that about 25 curriculum vitas have already been submitted by the aspiring candidates.
The aspirants are now lobbying with the top leaders of the Awami League and the BCL.
The aspirants are Saidur Rahman Jewel (Organising Secretary), Appel Mahmud (Mass Communication & Development Affairs Secretary), Saifullah Ibn Sumon (Social Welfare Secretary), Jakirul Islam (Organising Secretary), Tarikul Islam (Joint-General Secretary), Harun-or Rashid (Joint-General Secretary), Tanvir Rahman Khan (Organising Secretary), Ibrahim Farazi (Assistant Secretary), Mominul Islam (Assistant Secretary), Shamim Reza (Organizing Secretary), Nahid Parvez (Assistant Liberation War Affairs Secretary) of the unit.
JnU unit BCL General Secretary SM Sirajul Islam said, “We have already taken all preparations to hold the council smoothly. The whole campus takes festive look on account of the council.”
BCL President Sayfur Rahman Sohag told The New Nation, “We will elect those leaders who are clean and dynamic.”
The present committee was formed on October 03, 2012 with FM Shariful Islam as President and SM Sirajul Islam as General Secretary for one year.
