Strike today: JnU students demo for halls at vacated Dhaka central jail

Students of Jaganath University staged a demonstration in front of the Jatiya Press Club on Wednesday to press home their demand for constructing dormitory for them on the land of the vacated Dhaka Central Jail. Later the police obstructed them from going
Students of Jaganath University staged a demonstration in front of the Jatiya Press Club on Wednesday to press home their demand for constructing dormitory for them on the land of the vacated Dhaka Central Jail. Later the police obstructed them from going
JnU Correspondent :
The students of Jagannath University (JnU) will observe strike on the campus today (Thursday) boycotting classes and examinations to press home their demands, including construction of residential halls in the abandoned area of the Dhaka Central Jail in Old Dhaka.
The programme was announced from a demonstration held in front of the National Press Club on Wednesday.
Monirul Islam, a spokesman of the agitating students, confirmed this correspondent about their strike on the campus.
“We will observe strike on the campus today and will announce our next programme. Our demonstration will continue until our demands are fulfilled”, Monir said.
According to eyewitnesses, several thousand students of the university congregated in front of the Liberation War Sculpture around 10am as per their previous decision and brought out a protest procession holding different banners, fastoons and chanting slogans like “Give us hall or kill us” and moved to gherao Education Ministry. But they were stopped by police.
At this, the demonstrators staged a sit-in programme impounding the street and halting traffic movement for about two hours.
Ashraful Islam, a demonstrator, said, “We could not go to the ministry due to the police’s hindrance. But we will not quit our movement until the authorities assure us”.
Mahima Tuku, a third year student of Geography Department, alleged, they suffer a lot for want of residential halls. At present, their residential problems are beggar descriptions at the rented houses due to the ongoing issue of extremism.
“We have been demonstrating for the last 14 days, but none assured us of resolving accommodation problem. If the authority doesn’t heed to our demands, we will go for tougher movement”, she said.
We seek Prime Minister’s interference in this regard, added Mahima.
The Progressive Students Alliances expressed their solidarity with the movement.
JnU proctor Dr. Noor Mohammad said, “It is a logical movement. The university authority is fully concerned to solve their residential problem and that is why we have sent a letter to the Home Minister to get the empty place of the central jail for building residential halls. At the same time, we are careful that no one can create nuisance in the name of movement on the campus”.
In the meantime, JnU VC Professor Dr Mijanur Rahman said, “If the government gives us the empty land of the jail, we will build student’s residential halls under the name of four national leaders, and a scientific research centre after the Nation’s Father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman”.