JL man accused of torturing teen by hanging from tree

bdnews24.com :
A leader of the Juba League has been arrested on charges of torturing a teenager by hanging him from a tree in Mymensingh’s Bhaluka.
Police have caught one of the accused named in a case filed over the incident, though the main suspects are on the run.
According to the case details, Shamim Ahmed, 18, son of Shahid Mia of Mallikbarhi village, was beaten after being strung up to a tree on July 5.
Ahmed filed a case against nine people including Mallikbarhi Union’s Ward 5 unit Juba League President Mostafa Bhuiyan.
Investigating officer Sub-Inspector Ruhul Amin told
 bdnews24.com Bhuiyan and his men beat Ahmed, whom they accused of stealing a goat.
Juba League is the youth front of the ruling Awami League.
The torturers left him in front of his house when he lost consciousness, the case document said.
Ahmed was admitted to theBhaluka Upazila Health Complex that night.