JL leader shot at in Jashore


Staff Reporter :
Mehbub Rahman alias Mansel, Jubo League (JL) a leader was allegedly shot by the law enforcers on the roof top of a building at Shashtitala Para of Jashore city on Monday.
The victim’s family claimed that plainclothes policemen picked up 30-year old Mansel, a Joint Convener of Jessore Jubo League unit, from his room and shot him in the leg.
However, Maruf Ahmed, Officer-in-Charge of Detective Branch (DB) of Jashore district, said that they rushed to the spot acting on a tip-off about a shootout between two groups of people and rescued injured Mansel and took him to hospital,
Mansel’s father, Mohammad Almas, said, “He [Mansel] was sleeping in his room when a team of policemen in plainclothes surrounded the house around 2:30am. Then they brought Mansel from his room to the roof of the house and we heard a gunshot.”
“All of our family members were locked in the house and could not go to the site. Later we discovered that Mansel had been shot in the leg,” he added.
Hasan Imam Lal, the victim’s distant uncle-and also Jessore city unit Awami League’s acting general secretary- recounted the story in a similar manner.
When contacted, Jessore District Unit Jubo League Organizing Secretary Moinuddin Mithu said: “Mansel was sick as he had previously suffered a stroke. The right side of his body had been paralyzed from the stroke and he had been staying in his room for most of the time.”
“A few identified masked terrorists also joined policemen and together established a reign of terror in the Shashtitala Para area on Sunday night,” he added.
Abdur Rauf, an orthopedic surgeon of Jessore General Hospital, said: “The victim suffered terrible blood loss from the bullet-wound and he needs to be taken to a hospital in Dhaka for better treatment.”
When asked, Jessore Kotwali Police Station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Apurba Hasan said, “We received information about a shootout around 2:30am. We rushed to the spot and rescued Mansel, who had been shot, and admitted him to hospital.”
Police also seized three foreign pistols and 12 rounds of bullets from the spot, the OC added.
Previously, on Sunday night, unidentified miscreants set off about 12 improvised bombs at six separate points of Jessore city.
However, no one was reported to have been injured in the series of explosions.
