JL leader abducts schoolgirl at gunpoint to marry her, claims family

bdnews24.com :
A leader of the Awami League’s youth affiliate in Rajshahi has allegedly abducted a teenage girl at gun point and married her.
The family claims that they have not reported the incident to police in view of life threats. It alleged the local mayor was involved.
Local Juba League leader Sohel Rana stormed
into the girl’s home at Taherpur Upazila on Friday evening, brandishing weapons, said the girl’s father. Rana’s men held the family at gunpoint and whisked away the tenth-grader, he said. The family says they had earlier rejected Rana’s proposal to marry the girl.
Police said, they had moved to rescue the girl, but were later informed by Taherpur Mayor Abul Kalam Azad that she was safe and sound at his home. “We were about to launch a drive, when the mayor said he had rescued the girl and kept her at his home. “Later, police wanted her to be returned to the family, but by then she had been married,” said Bagmara police OC Selim Hossain.
The family said the girl was taken to the mayor’s home and immediately married to Rana, the president of a ward unit of Juba League. “At least 12 Juba League activists on six motor cycles broke into the girl’s house, firing in the air. “They assaulted the family members, including women before taking away my daughter at gunpoint,” said the father. He said, Juba League activists, who were around the house after the abduction, made sure that they could not go to the police.
The girl’s brother said that they were later called to the mayor’s home. “They threatened to kill us if we reported the matter to the police.”
He claimed that Taherpur Juba League President Asadul Islam, Chhatra League President Korban Ali, Ward Unit Awami League President Mizanur Rahman and several other leaders of the ruling party and its affiliates were involved in the abduction.