Japan’s Abe pushes Pacific trade deal in Australia

AFP, Sydney :
Japan and Australia will work together to ensure the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal comes into force, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Saturday, making no mention of strong US opposition.
After talks with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Abe took the lead on the trade pact covering 12 Pacific Rim nations that was ratified by Japan’s parliament last month. “We agreed that we should demonstrate anew to the world the importance of free trade,” Abe told reporters.
“We confirmed that we would coordinate for the early entry into force of the TPP.”
But he added: “We confirm our intention to maintain solid cooperation also with the incoming Trump administration.”
Turnbull noted, “For both of our nations the United States remains the cornerstone of our strategic and security arrangements.
“We will work closely with the incoming administration, as we have been (doing), to advance the region’s interest and our shared goals.”
He had earlier told NHK television in an interview that Australia would “commend” the TPP to the new administration.
US President Barack Obama championed the deal saying it would enable Washington to set the global trade agenda in the face of China’s increasing economic might.
But President-elect Donald Trump has repeatedly shot it down as bad for America and particularly for jobs, casting a dark shadow over its future.
The TPP encompasses some 40 percent of the global economy and also includes Brunei, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam.
Unveiled in 2016 and years in the making, the TPP cannot be implemented in its current form without US ratification.
