Japanese Envoy apprised of JENESYS 2.0 Youth Exchange Program


Bangladeshi high school and university students and their supervisors who came back after attending the JENESYS 2.0 youth exchange program in Japan from Dec. 9~16, 2013 reported to Japanese Ambassador to Bangladesh, Shiro Sadoshima at his residence.
JENESYS 2.0 is a youth exchange program between Japan and mainly Asian countries to reaffirm and strengthen our bond through promoting people-to-people exchange.
90 high school and university students and their supervisors from Bangladesh visited Japan and participated in various youth programs held in Miyazaki, Nagasaki and Ishikawa prefectures respectively in 3 groups.
Passionately reporting about their life-time inspiring experiences in Japan before Ambassador Sadoshima, the students expressed their determination to apply lessons learned about Japanese discipline, education system, disaster management, waste management system, and how to avoid historic human error of nuclear weapons disaster etc. in the case of development of Bangladesh.
In his welcome speech, Ambassador Sadoshima appreciated the presentations and encouraged the participants to “dream first” with their enthusiasm and willingness to make a positive change in Bangladeshi society by disseminating their experience to inspire as many Bangladeshi people as possible.
