Japanese delegates assure Bangladesh of support


Visiting Japanese delegates have assured that they would carry the message to Japan that Bangladesh is a safe place for Japanese people.
They also said the government of Japan would continue their development assistance and all other cooperation to Bangladesh.
A number of delegations participating in the Inter-Parliamentary Union conference on Tuesday met State Minister for Foreign affairs Md. Shahriar Alam MP at the Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC). The delegations are from Algeria led by Chiheb Seddik, Member of Parliament; Ethiopia led by its speaker Abate Reta; Japan attended by two members of House of Representatives Teru Fukui and Masahisa SATO; and D’jibouti Hasan, Member of Parliament. The delegates from Algeria, Ethiopia and D’jibouti discussed the issue of expansion of trade and economic relations between Bangladesh and their respective countries. Among them the D’jibouti delegates requested Bangladesh for providing on arrival visa for their businessmen to Bangladesh. During the call on with the Japanese delegates, the State Minister for Foreign Affairs reassured them that the government of Bangladesh would be continuing the measures taken for the safety and security of all foreign nationals including the Japanese here.
