Japanese boy who went missing in forest found

BBC online :
A boy missing in remote woods in Japan since Saturday after being left alone by his parents as punishment has been found alive and well.
Seven-year-old Yamato Tanooka was found in a military training base near Shikabe in northern Hokkaido, just a few kilometres from where he was left.
His parents initially said he had got lost, but eventually admitted briefly abandoning him for being naughty.
His father has apologised to his son and rescuers, saying “we went too far”.
How did Yamato survive?
The lost boy and Japan’s parenting debate.
“My excessive act forced my son to have a painful time,” Takayuki Tanooka said in an emotional news briefing outside Hakodate hospital, where the boy was taken for checks.
“I deeply apologise to people at his school, people in the rescue operation, and everybody for causing them trouble,” he said.
“I have poured all my love into my son, but from now on, I would want to do more, together with him. I would like to protect him while he grows up. Thank you very much.”
How Yamato survived. Search teams including the Self-Defence Forces (SDF) have been combing the remote area, home to brown bears, for nearly a week.
They had found no trace of Yamato and hopes were fading.