Japan with BD in fight terrorism

UNB, Dhaka :
Japan has assured Bangladesh that they are ready to assist it in all possible means to fight terrorism.
Japanese State Minister for Foreign Affairs Nobou Kishi conveyed his country’s position when his Bangladesh counterpart M Shahriar Alam met him in Tokyo.
State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam informed his Japanese counterpart about various measures taken by Bangladesh government to combat terrorism.
Indicating that the situation in Bangladesh had improved a lot since the incident last year, the state minister also requested Kishi to consider the withdrawal of travel alert.
Shahriar Alam attended a series of meetings with high officials of the government of Japan on the third day of his visit to Tokyo, said the Foreign Ministry here on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) President Shinichi Kitaoka has responded positively to Bangladesh’s idea to
funding regional infrastructure projects that will establish connectivity among potential countries in the region and expand market.
Shahriar Alam shared the idea with the JICA President recognising the importance of regional connectivity to foster growth during a meeting on the third day of his visit to Tokyo on Wednesday.
During his meeting with the JICA President, they exchanged ideas for further strengthening bilateral relations between Bangladesh and Japan.
The state minister expressed his deepest condolences for the Japanese lives lost in Dhaka on July 1, 2016, and informed the various measures that the government of Bangladesh has taken to combat terrorism.
Shahriar Alam then met the State Minister for Agriculture Yosuke Isozaki.
During their discourse, they exchanged various ideas and thoughts to promote mutual interests of Bangladesh and Japan. Shahriar particularly highlighted the importance of cooperation in the field of agriculture and stressed the importance of technical cooperation in this sector.
Earlier in the morning, he attended a roundtable discussion at the Foreign Correspondents Club, Japan (FCCJ) and engaged with the foreign correspondents on various issues including the development initiatives undertaken in Bangladesh.
The Bangladesh Ambassador in Tokyo and other high officials from the Embassy of Bangladesh there and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dhaka accompanied Shahriar Alam at all the meetings and events.