Japan – new destination for Bangladeshi students, professionals


Campus Desk :

Japan is commonly known in Bangladesh as a country of sunrise. The whole world considers Japan as a country of technologies as well as the potentials and prospects. Japan is also a land of peace and harmony that continues to evolve in a positive unification of tradition and modernization. With its elaborate and colorful history and culture, Japan has formed a distinct model of hierarchy, honor and etiquette that are still reflected in many educational, social & business practices today.
Japan is the third largest economy in the world. But the continuous decrease of population in higher rate in the last few years has created a great threat for the countries’ economic, social and all other aspects. “According to World Population Review” the population of Japan was 127.5 million in 2010, which is now 126.5 million in 2015 up to August.
The birth per day in Japan is 13932 and deaths per day are 18552. It means the net population change per day is -3955, which is very alarming for Japan. The UN says that if it continues more, total population will be 85 million in 2030. This population is not enough to cover the huge demand of human capital to sustain their economic development, as there are huge job opportunities in Japan.
Considering this alarming situation in Japan has plans to concentrate on skilled population of the third world countries as they get skilled employees paying a competitive price. Japanese companies have started hiring employees from abroad like Vietnam, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Philippines, and Malaysia etc.
On the other hand, the educational institutions are also enrolling more foreign students to fill up this gap. The economic and trade ties between Bangladesh & Japan are also getting stronger day by day, as a result interactions between the businessmen of both countries is increasing gradually. This reality has opened opportunities for Bangladesh in the Japan market both for jobs and education.
Considering this opportunity, Daffodil Japan IT (DJIT) a Japan based company working with Daffodil Group as a pioneer for overseas recruitment and higher studies in Japan. Mr. Norio Murakami, former chairman of Google Japan is the Honorary Chairman of DJIT and Sabur Khan (Chairman of Daffodil Group) is the Vice Chairman.
Daffodil Japan IT (DJIT) has determined to create an efficient manpower in the IT sector through potential professional IT/ software, language training and career counseling. DJIT invites the Japanese companies to recruit them and arranges interview sessions for their students.
Already DJIT has successfully invited several Japanese companies to recruit Bangladeshi IT engineers and arranges several interview sessions for their students. It has been a great successful journey of DJIT in the last 2 years and so far many students got the job and working in Japan.
Recently, Toru Okazaki, the Managing Director and Mohammad Nuruzzaman, Director of DJIT have received “International Star for Leadership in Quality Award” from Paris for outstanding business achievements which was organized by Business Initiative Direction (BID).
Mostly, Japanese companies want skilled employees. To meet their standard, DJIT provides quality IT training in Java, Android, PHP, Web Development etc. to make the students professionally skilled according to the international standard. DJIT also provides career support, CV writing tips, and interview guidelines to prepare them as a suitable candidate for overseas market.
As the Language is the main barrier in case of working and studying in Japan, DJIT also offers language course for the students to learn Japanese language with native instructors. Last 8th August 2015, an agreement has been signed on higher study in Japan, between Daffodil Japan IT and Kurume Institute of International Relations.
There are many students who are working in Japan after getting job through DJIT. Among them, Rafi, Shuvon, Abu Sufiyan, Abdullah Al Maruf Sekai Lab and Universal Concern Asia Ltd Japan are mentionable and many more under processing to join in Japan.
Moreover, for those who do not get jobs in Japan, DJIT arranges interview sessions for the Japanese companies in Bangladesh Office and other local companies. DJIT has successfully recruited 30 employees in two newly established Japanese companies in Bangladesh.
So, those who are thinking about working and studying in abroad, Japan can be a very good choice for you. You just need Japanese language and professional IT skill. DJIT is here to make your dream true.
