Japan logs first annual price decline in four years

AFP, Tokyo :
Japan on Friday logged its first annual consumer price decline in four years, underscoring the challenges facing Tokyo’s fight to rid the world’s number three economy of deflation.
Government data showed prices dropped 0.3 percent in 2016 from a year earlier, as weak household spending and meagre wage hikes keep a lid on inflation.
In December alone, core consumer prices, which exclude volatile fresh food, declined 0.2 percent from a year ago-slightly better than expectations of a 0.3 percent fall.
But it was still the 10th straight month of decline, and another blow to the government and Bank of Japan’s efforts to pump up the economy.
However, on Wednesday, Japan posted its first annual trade surplus since the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster sent the country’s energy import bills soaring.
The upbeat trade figures also showed that exports rose in December for the first time in more than a year, as demand picked up for Japan-made auto parts and semiconductors.
Japan reports December household spending and factory output figures next week.
The country has been struggling to reverse a years-long deflationary spiral of falling prices and lacklustre economic growth.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe came to office in late 2012 and launched his so-called “Abenomics” growth plan-a mix of massive monetary easing, government spending and red-tape slashing-but growth remains fragile and inflation well below target.
BoJ officials have blamed external factors, such as falling energy prices and uncertainty related to emerging economies, for their failure to achieve a promised two percent inflation level.