Japan Gunma University Professor visits DIU

Dr Seiichi Shiga, Professor, Department of Mechanical Science and Technology of Gunma University in Japan demonstrating a multimedia presentation during his visit to Daffodil International University on Wednesday.
Dr Seiichi Shiga, Professor, Department of Mechanical Science and Technology of Gunma University in Japan demonstrating a multimedia presentation during his visit to Daffodil International University on Wednesday.
Campus Report :
Prof Dr Seiichi Shiga, Department of Mechanical Science and Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology from Gunma University, Japan visited Daffodil International University (DIU) on Wednesday. As part of his visiting agenda he sat for a meeting with the top management of Daffodil International University. The objective of the meeting is to explore possible areas of collaboration between DIU and Gunma University, Japan.
The meeting was presided over by Prof Dr SM Mahbub-Ul-Haque Majumder, Acting Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University. Both institutions agreed to arrange short term exchange program for the students and teachers. In future Research collaboration will be made finding the scope by both the institution,
After the meeting, Prof. Seiichi visited different campus and labs of the University. Apart from this, during his 3 days of time in Bangladesh he visited DIU Permanent Campus and other different significant places of Dhaka and nearby areas.