Jan 5 looks to bring back stormy politics


UNB, Dhaka :
The country is likely to see stormy politics again with the beginning of the New Year as both the ruling and major opposition parties are preparing to mark the first anniversary of the much-talked-about 10th parliamentary polls on January 5 with programmes and counter-programmes.
The ruling Awami League has announced to observe the January 5 as the ‘Victory Day of Democracy’ while the BNP-led 20-party a ‘Black Day or Democracy Killing Day’, triggering an apprehension of a possible face-off between the ruling and opposition parties.
The Awami League-led ruling coalition thinks it has protected democracy and ensured the continuation of democratic process through the January-5 election foiling plots by the local and international vested quarters and the architects of the 1/11 of 2007.
On the other hand, BNP and its alliance partners blame the ruling quarter for
annihilating democracy by holding a ‘voter-less and lopsided election which did neither get the acceptance of the country’ s people nor of the democratic world’.
“The BNP-Jamaat alliance had tried to resist the January-5 election unleashing violence and killing people across the country in a bid to stop the trial of war criminals, obliterate democracy and destabilise the country. We’ve protected democracy and restored peace in the country through the election on the day,” Awami League joint general secretary Mahbub-ul-Alam Hanif told UNB.
He said, they are going to observe January 5 as ‘Victory Day of Democracy’ as the conspiracy against democracy was foiled on the day through the successful holding of the 10th parliament polls. “The country’s democracy would have been jeopardised had the election on January 5 not been held.”
As his attention was drawn to the BNP-led alliance’s counter programme, the Awami League leader said their programmes on the day are not to counter any programme of any party. “We together with people will mark the day. We’re least bothered about who will do what on that day.”
Hanif, however, warned that the government and the law enforcers will deal with an iron hand if any quarter tries to create anarchy and destroy the prevailing peaceful atmosphere in the country with destructive and anti-people activities.
Asked about the programmes to mark January 5, Awami League office secretary Dr Abdus Sobhan Golap said the day will be observed across the country with programmes like victory rallies, processions and discussions.
He said, they have also taken all-out preparations to observe the day in the capital in a befitting manner.
Awami League sources said the party has a plan to stage a big showdown on the day also to mark the successful completion a year of its return to power.
The government will also remain alert so that the opposition parties cannot hit the streets on the occasion as BNP and its alliance partners are issuing threats to wage a fresh movement from the day.
Contacted, BNP standing committee member Lt Gen (retd) Mahbubur Rahman said, “Awami League has annihilated democracy and snatched people’s voting rights through a farcical and unacceptable election on January-5. We’ll observe the day as ‘Black Day or Democracy Killing Day’ with peaceful programmes like black-flag processions and demonstrations.” He warned that people will force them to take a hard line if the government tries to block their peaceful programmes.
Mahbub said, the country’s majority people did not accept the 10th parliamentary elections and they want a fresh inclusive election under a non-party administration to establish a government of people. “As a responsible political party, we’ll be there on the streets on January 5 to register people’s protest against the farcical election and press for their demand.”
About the ruling party’s plan to mark the day as ‘Victory Day of Democracy’, he said Awami League can observe the day from their point of view, but it should also be respectful for the programmes of others. “We’ want to peacefully hold our programmes and hope they will do the same. We hope there’ll be no obstruction to our programmes.”
BNP joint secretary general Mohammad Shajahan said Awami League has no moral right to observe the day as ‘Victory Day of Democracy’ as the party itself annihilated democracy on the day. “It’ll be mockery with the nation by the ruling party if it marks the day in that way.”
He also fears that politics may turn violent if the ruling party counters their programmes or the government creates obstacle to their programmes.
Dr Mostafizur Rahman Iran, chairman of Labour Party, a partner of the 20-party alliance, said the 20-party may enforce harsher programmes like hartal if the government tries to obstruct their peaceful programmes of January 5.
He said, they had a plan to launch a decisive movement over hike in fuel and power prices. “As the government is unlikely to increase the power and fuel prices, we’re now thinking to wage the decisive movement from January 5.”
BNP sources said, its chairperson Khaleda Zia asked her party leaders to ensure a big showdown on January 5 to put pressure on the government to quit and send a message to people that they are going to wage a strong movement.
