Jamie Day Head Coach of BD for more 2 years


Sports Reporter :
Jamie Day has been named Head Coach of Bangladesh Football team for more two years. It was certain that Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) would extend his appointment for more two years. It was done on Tuesday last. Jamie Day signed in the contract papers in England on Tuesday. BFF formally announced about his appointment on the same day.
According to the agreement Jamie Day, who is an English man, has taken over the job of Head Coach of Bangladesh for the third time. The appointment of Jamie Day will be active from August 14.
General Secretary of BFF Md Abu Nayeem Shohag said, ” We have completed al the formalities with Jamie Day. Jamie Day has been appointed as Head Coach for more two years. Jamie Day will coach Bangladesh Football team up to August of 2022.”
After signing the agreement papers, Jamie Day said, ” I have agreed to sign in the contract papers for more two years. I am now the Head Coach of Bangladesh Football team for next two years. I am very glad after signing the contract papers. My target is to bring Bangladesh’s football in an up to the mark position.”
Bangladesh’s football is waiting for an acid test. Bangladesh played four matches out of eight matches of FIFA World Cup Qualifiers. Bangladesh will play rest of the World Cup Qualifiers soon. Bangladesh have been billed with Afghanistan, Qatar, India and Oman.
Bangladesh will take on Afghanistan on October 8, while Bangladesh will meet Qatar on October 13. Bangladesh will face India on November 12, while Bangladesh will play against Oman on November 17.
Jamie Day is very much optimistic about the performance of his boys.
He said, ” The crucial World Cup Qualifiers matches are knocking at the door. The matches will be held in October and November this year. I have to prepare my boys for those matches. I am hoping that we shall get a positive result.”
