FM tells EU envoys: Jamaat involved in killing, BNP backing

Staff Reporter :
Foreign Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali informed the European Union (EU) heads of missions in Dhaka that initial investigations found Jamaat-e-Islami and its various “outfit” links to the recent spate of clandestine attacks with “unfortunate” backing from BNP.
 “From the initial investigations, it appeared that Jamaat and its various outfits like Jammat-ul-Mujahidin (JMB), Ansar al-Islam, Ansarullah Bangla Team, Harkatul-Jihad-al-Islam (Huji-B), Hijbut-Tahrir Bangladesh, and newly appeared Al Mujahid etc. were involved in these killings,” he said in a statement on Sunday.
He regretted that “BNP was giving shelter and support to them” and reminded the envoys of a January 2014 European Parliamentary resolution asking the party unequivocally to distance itself from Jamaat and Hefazat-e-Islam.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued the statement after meeting between Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali and heads of mission of European Union (EU) at the State Guesthouse Padma in city on Sunday.
EU delegation Ambassador Pierre Mayaudon led the envoys where the Minister briefed them on the actions taken and progress achieved by the government in maintaining law and order and in ensuring public safety in the aftermath of recent killings in the country.
The envoys of EU countries highlighted the recent barbaric attacks and growing numbers of innocent victims, including bloggers, religious minorities, human rights activists, law enforcement officers and foreigners.
They offered to strengthen their partnership and cooperation with Bangladesh to combat terrorism of which Europe is also a target.
Foreign Minister said security agencies kept an eye on possible foreign terrorist links to the spate of recent attacks in Bangladesh.
 “The (security) agencies were alert to detect any possible linkage among these (local militant) groups with various regional and international terrorist groups or networks,” he was quoted as telling the envoys.
Mahmood Ali in the statement said some vested groups were out to destabilize the country through these targeted, pre-mediated and clandestine killings to tarnish the image of Bangladesh and discredit the government at home and abroad.
 “The government is showing `zero tolerance’ to all forms of terrorism and firm commitment to contain the violence and ensure protection and safety for all the people in the country,” he said. Foreign Minister also told the envoys that overall law and order in the country remained stable and peaceful while security agencies achieved growing successes in crack down on radicals’ hideouts and weapons caches.
Meanwhile, EU in a statement said that its head of mission has urged the government to break the cycle of violence by bringing the perpetrators to justice and ensure protection of all citizens at risk.
 “These attacks constitute an unprecedented threat to human rights and freedom of expression and belief,” the EU statement said. The EU statement said their envoys offered extended cooperation to Dhaka in combating terrorism and simultaneously suggested that law enforcement operations should be pursued alongside a broader engagement towards countering violent extremism.
The Minister, on the other hand, expressed hope that EU would work together with Bangladesh in fighting common challenges of terrorism and violent extremism.
 “The heads of missions expressed their conviction that an effective and comprehensive response to militancy includes promoting democratic accountability, freedom of expression, vibrant media, tolerance and the empowerment of civil society,” the EU statement said
According to the foreign office statement, Mahmood Ali gave a detailed account of the progress made in individual cases of clandestine attacks and assured the envoys of Bangladesh’s resolve to bring all the perpetrators to justice.
 “He also informed the EU envoys of various steps taken by the government to heighten surveillance and enhance security and law enforcement measures throughout the country,” the statement said.
The Minister also referred to Jamaat’s Pakistan links since 1971 when outfits like Al Badr, Razakar and Al- Shams manned by its leaders and activists had collaborated with the Pakistani occupation troops.
The Minister said Pakistan stood by Jamaat the war crimes trial while it brought a “baseless” allegation that the perpetrators of 1971 atrocities were being tried in defiance of a 1974 tripartite agreement among Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.
He said the 1974 agreement only referred to 195 Pakistani war prisoners who were taken into custody for heinous crimes including crime against humanity.
State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam joined the interaction while acting foreign secretary and other senior foreign ministry officials were present.