Jail killing Day observed in Kishoreganj


Staff Reporter, Kishoreganj :

In Kishoreganj, District administration, ruling Awami League, JSD, Ganatantree Party and Shaheed Syed Nazmul Islam medical college hospital took up various programmes marking the Jail killing day on Tuesday.
Awami League arranged a discussion meeting held at local Param square on Tuesday noon with District president Advocate Kamrul Ahasan Shajahan in the chair.
It was addressed among others by District Secretary Advocate M.A Afzal, Principal Sharif Sadi, Mayor Pervez Aminul Islam Bakul, Mahamud, Women. leader Bilkis Began and , Masum Khan, A mourning rally was brought out in the town.

Syed Nazmul Islam Medical College Hospital including BMA arranged a discussion meeting at its Auditorium on Tuesday noon.
