Jabbar mourns death of Prof Jamilur Reza

City Desk :
Posts and Telecommunications Minister Mustafa Jabbar expressed profound shock and sorrow at the death of National Professor Dr Jamilur Reza Choudhury.
In a condolence message on Tuesday, he said Professor Dr Jamilur Reza Choudhury was an extraordinary learned and renowned personality in the country.
“The nation will remember his (Jamilur’s) contributions for long as he was involved with country’s all mega physical infrastructures such as Bangabandhu Bridge, ongoing Padma Bridge and other ones in any way for decades,” said Jabbar.
Recalling his experiences of working with Prof Jamilur Reza as a team member in many of the government’s strategy planning forums, the posts and telecommunications minister said Prof Jamilur will remain alive in the hearts of the country’s people for his outstanding merit and works.
He said Dr Jamilur’s skills and reputation were acclaimed worldwide as an engineer, researcher and educationist.
The demise of this Ekushey award-winning eminent personality is an irreparable loss to the nation, added Jabbar.
He prayed for the eternal peace of the departed soul and conveyed deep sympathy to the bereaved family.
