Ivy`s death anniv today


BSS, Dhaka :The 11th death anniversary of Ivy Rahman, former president of Bangladesh Mahila Awami League and wife of late President Zillur Rahman, will be observed today in a befitting manner.To mark the day different political and socio-cultural organizations including Awami League (AL), its associate bodies and other like-minded organizations have chalked out elaborateprogrammes. The programmes include: placing wreaths and offering fateha at her (Ivy) Banani graveyard at 10 am tommorrow, arranging milad mahfil and special prayers, and holding discussions in the capital and elsewhere across the country.A milad mahfil will be held at the Ivy Concord Tower at Gulshan-2 in the capital and all have been requested to attend the doa-munajat after Asr prayer, said a press release yesterday. Ivy Rahman who was also the women affairs secretary of Awami League received fatal injuries in the grisly grenade attack at an anti-terrorism rally in front of Awami League Central Office at Bangabandhu Avenue on August 21 in 2004.The women leader succumbed to her injuries at the Combined Military Hospital (CMH), Dhaka, on August 24.Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina who was then Opposition Leader narrowly escaped death. But 24 innocent lives were lost and several hundred others were injured in the history’s beastly grenade attack.Awami League will pay rich tributes to Ivy Rahman by placing wreaths at the Banani graveyard yesterday morning. They will also offer fateha and doa seeking eternal peace of her departed soul, AL general secretary and public administration minister Syed Ashraful Islam said, in a statement, on the occasion.He called upon all members of AL central executive committee, party advisory council, associate bodies, front and other likeminded organizations and well-wishers to be present there.Meanwhile, AL joint-general secretary Mahbub-Ul-Alam Hanif said the vicious circle launched the grenade attack on the AL President and daughter of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on August 21 to kill Sheikh Hasina and destroy Awami League, country’s oldest political party.He accused the then BNP government led by Begum Khaleda Zia of patronizing the attackers as she (Khaleda) was afraid of the popularity of Awami League as well as Sheikh Hasina.
