Ivanka plays big role even without White House title

AP, Washington :
Even without an official White House title, Ivanka Trump is proving to be a power player.
Just this past week, the first daughter joined President Donald Trump at a policy meeting with business executives and accompanied him on a trip to Delaware’s Dover Air Force Base to honor the returning remains of a U.S. Navy SEAL killed in a raid in Yemen. She hosted CEOs at her home to talk policy and used her influence behind the scenes at the White House.
These efforts have focused attention on the role Ivanka Trump, 35, expects to play after resigning executive positions with the Trump Organization and her own lifestyle brand, and moving to Washington. For now, though, it’s her husband, Jared Kushner, who is officially working in the administration.
“My father will be president, and hopefully, I can be there to support him and to support those causes I’ve cared about my whole professional career,” Ivanka Trump told ABC’s “20/20” last month.
There are no models for a member of the first family with a prominent policy role on the outside – or for a first daughter with this much influence on the inside.