IUT holds 41st Board Meeting

Campus Report :
The 41st meeting of the Governing Board of Islamic University of Technology (IUT), a subsidiary organ of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), started on Wednesday at a city hotel. The meeting was presided over by Dr Mohammad S Alalam Alzahrani, Chairman of the Board. The session was attended by, among others, Md. Helal Uddin, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Education, Yakubu Ahmed Danfuloti, representative of Nigeria, Devrim Öztürk, Ambassador of Turkey in Bangladesh, Mohmoud M El Sallabi, Charge d’ affaires of Libya in Bangladesh and representative of the UAE Embassy in Bangladesh.
The meeting was also attended by Amb. Muhammad Naeem Khan, Assistant Secretary General and Fahad A Dakkan, Director General of Admin and Finance of the OIC and Prof Dr Munaz Ahmed Noor, Vice-Chancellor of IUT.