ITHS hosts Kids Show’ 2017


Campus Report :

The Kids Show’ 2017 of ITHS Uttara Preschool Section was celebrated on Saturday. The program took place in the Main Campus Auditorium. The stage was decorated very beautifully and students who were to perform on the stage were dressed up in a befitting manner for the performances. The invited guests attended the program on time and the program started well sometime after 10 a.m.
The program was glorified with the presence of the Chairman of ITHS, Bedrettin Suata, Head of Sections, Deputy Heads, respected Parents and Guardians. As per the schedule, the program started with the recitation of Surah Fatiha and after that the National Anthem of Bangladesh was sung by the students of Kindergarten beautifully. With the echo of the melody of our beautiful national anthem the program went on proceeding to the next items of the schedule.
The very enthusiastic speech of the Head of Section was delivered in a galvanize manner.
The show began with a dance performance by Toddler, the youngest performers of the function and they surely mesmerized the audience. Other songs & dances, Especially ‘Fairy land’ and ‘Ei neel akash chotto manush’ captivated the audience. The Drama ‘The tree and the wood cutter’ performed by our students of Kindergarten was wonderfully executed and touched the hearts of the audience as the message was to save trees and importance of trees to the life of human existences. Following the sequence of the program the power point presentation with photos and video reflected the whole year’s school activities very well. The program ended with a beautiful ballet performance by the students of Kindergarten which spread the message that children are to be nurtured and given all sorts of opportunities to flourish.
In-between the program the very accomplished teachers were awarded for their sincerest performances throughout the academic year. Students were also given Certificates for 100 percent attendance which served a very motivational purpose for the overall betterment.
The cultural show was a hit and it was a full house in the auditorium. At the end of the show, all the parents highly appreciated the event and conveyed positive feedback.
The parents showed great appreciation to the school for hosting such events with the students at an early age.
All in all, it was an impeccable show and a great success for ITHS and everyone enjoyed the programme thoroughly.
