Decent proposal!: Italian wins swim gold and wedding promise


AFP, Kazan :
Italy’s Simone Ruffini won the world championship men’s marathon 25km open water gold medal on Saturday and celebrated by proposing to his girlfriend on the podium.
Ruffini edged out Alex Meyer of the United States and compatriot Matteo Furlan for the title after first overcoming a stomach complaint.
But even that challenge was nothing compared to the nerves needed to unfurl a hastily-written proposal convincing Italian teammate Aurora Ponsele to marry him just as he received his medal.
Ponsele signalled back with two fingers shaped in a heart to the delight of watching fans.
“I’m happy for the gold medal and even happier that the answer to my marriage proposal to Aurora (Ponsele) was a sign of love from her,” said the champion.
“This was the best moment of my life. Of course I am looking forward to the Olympic Games, but today I understand the meaning of my life”.
Ruffini took gold in four hours 53 minutes 10.7 seconds at Kazan’s Kazanka venue with Meyer winning silver at just 4.4sec back.
