IT-ITES industry’s revenue increases to Tk 1,927cr from local market

BSS, Dhaka :
Revenue earnings from the local market by the country’s IT-ITES industry has increased to Taka 1,927 crore in six years, according to a first-ever national level research.
The research titled “IT-ITES Industry Statistics of Bangladesh 2019”,
conducted by Leveraging ICT for Growth, Employment and Governance (LICT) Project of Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) under ICT Division in collaboration with Center for Project Management and Information System (PMIS) of Dhaka University, was released last month (December 2019).
According to research, the total local market revenue of IT-ITES industry
that covered three areas-software, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and e-Commerce-has increased to Taka 1,927 crore in 2018 against Taka 1,397 crore in 2013 showing an increase of Taka 530 crore.
ICT Secretary NM Zeaul Alam said the statistics on local market revenue of IT-ITES industry unveiled through the research study showed a positive trend of growth of the industry as well as growing demand of IT products domestically.