It is not politics but hooliganism in educational institutions


It is sad that a meritorious student of Chattogram Medical College Mahadi J Akib, 21, who received serious injuries in the head a couple of days ago is still undergoing treatment in the ICU of Chattogram Medical College Hospital. Newspapers reported that his father Golam Farooq Majumder, who is a teacher in a Cumilla school, has been anxiously waiting outside the ICU to listen to his son’s voice. We’ve no words to express our feelings to this broken-hearted father whose son was admitted to medical college to become a doctor, but now his life is in danger, being a victim of ruling party’s factional politics. The second year MBBS student was severely beaten up on Saturday by his fellow batchmates, crushing his skull. The best doctors of Chattogram are trying to save the boy’s life by re-fixing the skull. Shame on the factional party politics that already has cost lives of dozens of students and made several others either physically crippled or mentally broken.

From different newspaper reports, it is gathered that two political leaders — a former mayor and an incumbent Deputy Minister – are involved in factional politics which has created an obnoxious situation in the educational institutions across Chattogram for some time. Several students have died in clashes between the followers of two groups at Chattogram University and other places.


The injured Mahadi obtained a Golden GPA in SSC and GPA-5 in HSC from Notre Dame College, Dhaka. His father has categorically blamed the “dirty politics” for his son’s present condition. An almost similar voice was echoed by the father of talented BUET student Abrar Fahad, who was beaten to death by members of ruling party’s student wing on 7th October, 2019. Has there any remedy which could heal the broken hearts of parents? Can any government give them back their lives or a bright future that has already been lost?

In fact, no one remembers their names as they are only ‘pawns’ of the leaders who use the innocent students to establish their supremacy in the campuses. We have recently seen how the college and varsity campuses were turned into mini armories, mini casinos and mini bars by the so-called student leaders getting blessings from influential political leaders. Most of the students are compelled to get involved in politics after their admission to get a seat in the residential halls. Otherwise it becomes almost impossible to do their regular academic activities smoothly. The brilliant students who usually come from distant rural areas become easy prey for the leaders of factional politics. We must say this practice should stop.
