It is government`s inability to convince Australia


THE delaying of the visit of the Australian Cricket team to Bangladesh on Saturday as it was put on hold by the Australian Cricket Association on security ground has come as a big surprise to Bangladesh government and the Cricket Board as they were upbeat to start the matches immediately after the Eid festival. The Australian authorities based their decision acting on a travel advisory, which warned against terrorist attacks and called for utmost safety. Earlier on last Friday Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) issued the warning in its website saying there was a potential security risk from militants in Bangladesh. It led the delay of the departure of the team until further clarification of the situation. The team was due to fly on Monday for a three-week tour, which includes two Test matches against Bangladesh Tigers. The DFAT, advisory quoted reliable information to suggest that militants may be planning to target Australian interests in Bangladesh. It advised the Australian officials and nationals here to limit their movements in public places calling to exercise a high degree of caution due to uncertain political and security situation.As we know, Bangladesh government has already termed the warning as baseless but the harm has already been done to the country’s image. Many believe that too much government propaganda on terrorism hoax has rather proved self-defeating to the government. Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) officials said they are really shocked by the delay, as there is no such violence or threat in the ground to justify the delay. Meanwhile, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan has ruled out the fear as totally groundless saying the country is totally secure and there is no scope for the rise of any militant outfit. Media reports on Sunday quoted him as saying that the government is ready to provide all safety to the team. Dhaka Metropolitan Police spokesman has also ruled out the fear and offered any security they feel necessary.A senior security official of Cricket Australia arrived in Dhaka on Sunday to review security issues. Australian High Commission in Dhaka is also in close contact with Australian Cricket Association and Bangladesh authorities to clear the situation. BCB officials are optimistic that the fear will disappear soon and the Australian Cricket team will ultimately come on the much-hyped visit for which cricket crazy Bangladesh is on waiting. What cannot be denied is that the government has proved unable to improve safety situation in the country. There is political uncertainty but the overall situation is not so bad that the Australian cricket team would have faced any danger. It is the government that is to be blamed for not being able to convince the government of Australia about its competence in maintaining law and order.
